We offer variety of International Courses for students in bachelors and Masters program.

4+1 Unified Bachelor Master Programme

It is a collaborative 4+1 programme between College of Agriculture, Baramati and Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok and MPKV, Rahuri. It offers Masters in Agri Business Management.

2+2 International BBA Program

In this special programme students will follow the first two years curriculum which is designed by Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri at College of Agricultural Business Management, Baramati. Van Hall Lareinstein (VHL) will support these two years

2+2 International Animal Husbandry Program

This is a collaborative program between College of Animal Husbandry, Baramati, Van Hall Lareinsein University, The Netherlands and Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri

3+1 International Agri. Certificate Program

The intention to start an International Centre at College of Agriculture, Baramati, aiming to build bridges between Indian and Dutch Research, Education and private sectors. One of the elements of cooperation is indented to be An educational exchange programme at undergraduate level so called 3+1 concept.
